Beer Menu & Glossary
“Those who drink beer will think beer” -Washington Irving
For your Health & Safety we have a House Limit of 36 oz. of Beer per person.
We are sorry, but due to irregular availability, some beers may be temporarily out of stock.
*Prices subject to change
Ale – Aromatic Brew made with top-fermenting yeast. More full bodied and bitter than a lager. Bass Ale
Brown Ale– Brewed with roasted malts. Somewhat sweeter than traditional ale. Newcastle Brown Ale
Dark (Dunkel) Beer– A lager that has been colored & flavored with roasted barley. Becks Dunkel
Dopplebock– Strong, malty dark brown lager with lots of toasted, bready & sweet flavors.
Created by the Pauline Monks in Germany as “Liquid Bread”. Spaten Optimator
Hefe Weisse/Hefeweizen– Bottle conditioned, unfiltered wheat beer with the presence of
wheat & yeast in the bottle. Fraanziskaner Weis
IPA – India Pale Ale– a stronger, hoppier version of Pale Ale. Originally brewed for British
troops in India. Dog Fish Head 60 Minutes IPA
Kolsch– A light, golden ale which originated in Koln (Cologne) Germany. Gaffel Kolsch
Lambic– Unique to Belgium. Wheat beer that is spontaneously fermented by airborne wild yeast.
enhanced with natural fruit flavoring. Champagne like sparkle. Framboise (Rasberry) Lambic
Lager– Beer made with bottom fermenting yeast. Fermented at a low temperat;ure and then
stored or “Lagered” for a period of time. Hofbrau HB Lager
Oktoberfest– Medium strength, full colored malt accented lager. Originally brewed in Germany
for the fall harvest season. Now available all year around. Spaten Oktoberfest
Pilsner/Pils– Styled after the brew from the bohemian town of Pilsen, Czech Republic. A lager
with assertive hop flavor. Pilsner Urquell
Porter– Brewed like a stout, but not quite as heavy. Typically dark and full bodied with a
chocolate, bittersweet flavor. Old Leghumper
Stout– Very dark ale made with malted barley and highly roasted malts. Guiness Stout
Trappist Ales– The term “Trappist” refers to beers made by Trappist Monasteries in Belgium.
Typically strong & fruity, undergoing a second or third fermentation. Chimay